How To Save Money On The Cost Of A Funeral That You Have To Plan

10 May 2016
 Categories: Business, Blog


Planning a funeral is stressful enough, as you have to also go through a grieving process. Therefore, you might not want to make it any worse on yourself by spending more money than you have to. If you have the need to save money on the cost of the funeral, you will want to review the following tips.

Only Reserve A Viewing Room For A Single Day

Funeral homes usually charge for each day that you need to reserve one of their viewing rooms. Therefore, instead of having two or three days of viewing, you can opt for only one. You can ask for the viewing day to be scheduled for a few days later than it might have normally been scheduled for. This is ideal for situations where there is family coming in from another state or city that is far away. Just make sure that everyone knows that there is only one day for a viewing so they do not make the mistake of missing it because they assume that there will be another one the following day.

Purchase A Casket And Have It Shipped To You

Instead of purchasing any over-priced caskets directly from a funeral home, you will want to shop around a little and find a better deal. There are a lot of wholesale companies that have websites that will allow you to view the caskets that they have available to sell. All you have to do then is have it shipped to your home or have it delivered directly to the funeral home. If you want to have it shipped straight to the funeral home, you may want to ask for their permission first so that they will accept the delivery on your behalf.

Plan A Cremation Instead Of A Burial

Unless your have the final wishes of the deceased that you are trying to uphold, you may want to consider opting for a cremation instead of a burial. This will save a lot of money because there is no need for the purchase of a casket, burial space, or a headstone. All you will have to pay for beyond the cost of the cremation service itself is an urn to store the ashes in. Until you are able to afford a nice urn, the funeral home will provide a little box that will keep the ashes safe until you are ready to transfer them into an urn.

With just those three helpful tips, you should be able to save some money on the planning of the funeral. For more information about the cost and tips for saving money, contact a company like Hitzeman Funeral Home, Ltd.